A regenerative farming system is one that considers the whole farm, builds soil health, produces nutrient dense foods, sequesters carbon, improves biodiversity, improves the health of water systems and supports the long-term sustainability of a business and communities.

We support land holders to create thorough farm plans and offer services for all stages of development.


Planning and Design

Planning is essential to create a thriving, well-refined enterprise that is a pleasure to work in. Planning can prevent unnecessary costs, save labour time, optimise the use of materials, complete tasks at the right time and stream line processes to meet demand. Good planning can reduce stress, prevent errors, save time and maximise returns.

Design enables you to look at your landscape holistically and give you the basis to make informed decisions about how the desired elements of your farm system are integrated together and contextualized within the landscape.  We take you through step by step design process to understand your system in more detail.



Management of a farming system can be tricky if there is a lack of specialised practical skills, experience and knowledge. Even the most experienced individual will encounter the wide range of social and environmental variables that influence the day-to-day operations of a farm, for example: team dynamics, extreme weather, pest pressure, fungal disease and soil deficiencies. We work with you to develop management plans and offer advice and services to optimise the management of your farm system.


Once your understanding of your context is sufficient, your vision is clear and there is a strong sense of the first steps it's time to take the plunge. At this point having the right team and a high degree of coordination is essential. We work with you to ensure you have the skills and resources necessary to implement your plan and navigate the complex nature of working with natural systems that require real time iterative decision making.



Training must be taken seriously. The right trainer can take your team and business to the highest level of performance and profitability. Within a market garden enterprise, training must be given to to all aspects of the operation, from seed selection to nursery management, transplanting, directly sowing, bed preparation, composting and harvesting. Regenerating Farms offers training services to both projects that have been built by the team or to market garden enterprises that are in need of support. We can provide this service on either a one-time arrangement or ongoing.