Regenerating Farms provides regenerative agricultural services for whole farm solutions that benefit land managers, the community and the environment.

We are passionate about the role that regenerative agriculture plays in creating a healthy and sustainable civilization and environment for both current and future generations. We believe that land managers can leave a footprint that preserves and enhances ecologies, thus mitigating the impacts that agricultural practices have historically caused and restoring environmental integrity.


Our vision.

Regenerate Australia's farming systems, communities and ecologies for long-term and sustainable outcomes. The results of this vision will:

  • Enshrine the concept and practices of stewardship;

  • Generate a sustainable, stable and resilient socio-ecological system that operates in harmony;

  • Restore ecological functions;

  • Recognise the integral role that agriculture plays in societal and ecological integrity;

  • Improve soil health levels such that ecological integrity and stability is restored and maintained in all landscapes;

  • Balance current and future generational needs;

  • Reconnect people to living systems/nature to enhance quality of life, health, wellbeing and appreciation for life  on planet earth;

  • Restore and protect biodiversity equilibrium for all flora and fauna species to reverse biodiversity loss;

  • Increase the level of carbon sequestration in agricultural soils to address climate change;

  • Produce an abundance of nutrient dense foods for local, national and international communities; and

  • Improve water management on farms and support the health of waterways that are connected to farming systems.


Our purpose.

  • To build regenerative farming systems and networks;

  • To increase the capacity of an individual or group to adopt regenerative land management practices; and

  • To advance agroecological principles and practices.